Our vision is 'Get-Educated' in eleven letters | We aim to eliminate your fear of education

"Quotes to Crash A Code for Success"

“We see different results when we study to perform than to pass”

By Nashib Umer

“Educate to participate rather than compensate!”

By Nashib Umer

“Knowledge is a tool that rubs your name from the list of fools.”

By Nashib Umer

Reading must be a habit rather than a hobby

Reading Survey Results Year 2023

Read, Write, Memorize and Ride

A person fails in studying a subject or lifting an object due to connecting disconnected current.

Education is not a memorization rather than an application which is a prerequisite and it acquires to perform a job rather than applying for a job.

InfoTaxSquare.Academy asks to a teacher and student to perform prerequisites practice before starting the study by follow the following rules.

  1. Understand importance of focus.
  2. Patience and Anger management.
  3. Saving cells avoiding bad behavior.
  4. Set your mind to set up your goals.
  5. Rational, irrational emotions illusion.

What is Success?

Is a success real or just an illusion to create a competition from companies to make money?

Success is an illusion not a distinction, it is your daily practice what you do with satisfaction rather than you wait to reach on a destination.

Barack Hussain Obama won the election and became the first black president of the United States he didn’t lose and win anything nor bring any change but it was his dream and happiness.

Find your dream and happiness and stay strong to steal with study.

By Nashib Umer

Reading must be a habit rather than a hobby

Reading Survey Results Year 2023

Read, Write, Memorize and Ride

A person fails in studying a subject or lifting an object due to connecting disconnected current.

Education is not a memorization rather than an application which is a prerequisite, and it acquires to perform a job rather than applying for a job.

InfoTaxSquare.Academy asks a teacher and student to perform prerequisites practice before starting the study by follow the following rules.

  1. Understand the importance of focus.
  2. Patience and Anger management.
  3. Saving cells avoiding bad behavior.
  4. Set your mind to set up your goals.
  5. Rational, irrational emotions illusion.

How can you change a person?

  1. You can’t change a person by an action;.
  2. You can’t change a person by instruction;
  3. You can’t change a person by direction;
  4. You can’t change a person by aggression;
  5. Rather, you can change only by adaption.
By Nashib Umer

Reading must be a habit rather than a hobby

Reading Survey Results Year 2023

Connect to control education as emotions!

Make connections between content to understand the context that it was said.

Content was converted from the emotion of a writer what he/she experienced at that moment.

Thus, until you make the connections between contents, you will memorize only and cannot challenge for the subsequent advancements.

Are you ready to leave your rest to be successful?

A dream remains a wish, until you do not decide whether, you can compromise your comfort. A person only fails who cannot sacrifice the sleep.

By Nashib Umer

Why are we not producing leaders?

In order to produce leadership we need to fill the flaws in our adolescence education system.

A compound education will give alpha compensation and will produce the best communication systems in our societies.

If it was, then we would have leaders rather than tanks and ships to destroy the structures and capture the sculptures.

Success is the combination of education and compensation. Most choose a subject because they like it without knowing why; and in most cases they forcefully study.

“Effective definition is compensation rather than the education”

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